Practical assembly workshop (AD) and Laboratory II (D), Workshops and exhibitions
Contemporary dance technique I, Contemporary dance technique II, Contemporary dance technique IV
Clothing, Characterization, Practical assembly workshop (AD) and Laboratory II (D)
Technologies applied to the scenic space, Technologies applied to dance, Practical assembly workshop (AD) and Laboratory II (D)
Clowning | Physical theatre I | Physical theatre II | Commedia dell·arte
Repertoire for Dance with Piano | Repertoire with Piano (Singing Applied to Dramatic Art)
Music and singing I Practice, Music and singing II Practice, Voice and singing
Theory e hª of dramatic art and dance, Philosophy of art, History of the arts and entertainment
Secretary, Traditional root dance technique I, Traditional root dance technique II, Traditional root dance repertoire, History of traditional root dance
Analysis and practice of classical repertoire I, Classical technique I, Classical technique IV, Analysis and practice of classical repertoire III
Theory and history of dramatic literature I | Theory and history of dramatic literature II | Textual analysis
Contemporary Interpretation Workshop II, Contemporary dance technique II, Contemporary Interpretation Workshop III, Contemporary dance technique III, Choreographic innovation
Production and management of stage projects. Entrepreneurship I | Production and management of stage projects. Entrepreneurship II | Project organisation, production and management
Acrobatics and circus techniques, Manipulation of Objects, The Word in Classical Texts (Fencing)
Composition and improvisation I | Composition and improvisation III | Interdisciplinary project laboratory I | Motion analysis
Dramaturgy | Dramaturgy and staging | Euskal antzerkia. History of the Basque stage | Language and audiovisual narrative
Analysis and practice of contemporary repertoire I, Analysis and practice of contemporary repertoire II, Analysis and practice of contemporary repertoire III
Contemporary Scenic Expressions Workshop I, Contemporary Scenic Expressions Workshop II, Introduction to directing actors
Acrobatics and circus techniques, Manipulation of Objects, The Word in Classical Texts (Fencing)
Classical technique II, Classical interpretation Workshop II, Classical technique III, Classical Interpretation Workshop III
Music applied to dance I | Music applied to dance II | Repertoire with piano for dance
Anatomy, biomechanics and pathology applied to dance | Physiology and nutrition applied to dance | Body techniques I | Body techniques II
Interdisciplinary project laboratory I, Interpretation III, Experimental space, Practical assembly workshop
Theory and history of dramatic literature I | Theory and history of dramatic literature II | Textual analysis
Director | Music and singing I | Music and singing II | Musical theatre (singing)
Learning dance and development | Teaching of the performing arts | Group psychology | Research methodology | Prácticas externas de Danza
Creative workshops according to styles II, Creative workshops according to styles III, Interdisciplinary projects laboratory II
Performance I | Audiovisual performance | Interdisciplinary project laboratory II | Practicum I | Practicum III
Creative workshops according to styles II, Creative workshops according to styles III, Interdisciplinary projects laboratory II